Hi everyone, I know we haven't spoken in awhile and I am sorry that I have no good excuse to say why I have been away. Short answer is lately I've been uninspired. I have a million and one thoughts going on in my head, unbalanced emotions, writing my first children's book and trying to figure out this crazy thing called life. I'm here to tell you that's alright, the world can't all be sunshine and rainbows everyday because, that would be a boring world. In life we endure the ups and downs which is human nature . We in this day and age are glued to technology, social media, streaming networks and so on that we loose sight of what's in front of us. We forget it's OK to unplug.
Now you may be wondering how does one unplug in a time where we are very media and technology driven? Well I'm learning to set time aside for me, some good old fashion TLC. Some days may be spent cleaning and decluttering. Outdoors exploring the world was my safe haven . Then somedays are spent laying in bed all day playing video games, reading books, self pampering and so on. Find what works for you and just unplug yourself from distraction.
During my time away I've actually ventured off to a few pretty cool hidden gems I can't wait to share with you. My place of solitude once was the beach. But during covid everyone else found happiness in my same space. When I'm burnt out I find diving into a good book really helps me set myself away from all that's going on in the world. I am currently still reading Skin of the Sea which was a special book Sean picked up for me. But im also feeling a bit guilty as several other unfinished books stare back at me. After all I am a Libra and I am indecisive lol.
While my time away I have learned not to take life for granted. Suffering from spinalcord injury I tend to have good, bad and straight out God aweful days. Well I suffered some of the worst days possible recently when I lost my ability to walk, lay down stand and sit entirely for a whole few weeks. As a person with limited mobility this was my worse nightmare but also maybe a blessing. I was secluded away from the world and family, confined to the shackles of my bed . I sought refuge in reading books, watching movies on my phone and making a list of things I missed doing and if I'd ever be able to do them again. I learned I truly missed the ability to put my phone down and walk outside. The bright warm sun smiling down on me while I relaxed on a lawn chair with and ice cold cocktail made by yours truly. Breathing in the combination of fresh cut grass and the sweet aroma of jasmine flowers from the plants outside. The rustling of the wind in the trees in the late evening and the many sounds of nature and people around me called for my existence. I longed and craved to be outside these four walls, away from my animal crossing game and back in the world. I missed the ability to roam and enjoy the joys of being unplugged so much I asked facebook and Instagram friends to send me pictures of them exploring the world to cheer me up. To my surprise most people said they were just laying in bed or binge watching Stranger Things. I was taken a back at the lack of unplugged people, the amount of people who enjoyed more screen time than the joys of being outside in nature itself. I come to the conclusion that maybe screen time is how some people unplug and that is fine, but for myself, a disabled young woman who had her once active self transformed into a hybrid body. That life was not for me.
In my old able-bodied life I was always out in the world, seeing sights, tasting great foods and drinks, traveling, adventuring ,exploring and swimming. I loved going down to La Jolla in August to swim with leapord sharks, so graceful and majestic. Traveling up and down the coast chasing the red tide and witnessing bioluminecence at night. Engulfed by the beauty of dancing blue waves or the silver glimmer of mermaid like scales from Grunion runs. From playing in tide pools in Treasure Island to sinking my toes in the nice warm sand, I craved the outdoors. Journeying to Irvine regional renting bikes and cruising the park as I took in the sounds of nature, picnicking, and visiting the zoo to see my favorite ocelot beckoned my return. Your girl lived an active happy non depressing life prior to the accident and pandemic. I have to restart life once again and rewrite the pages in my chapters and find new ways to unplug.

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